Vox Luminis - UGA Performing Arts Center

Box office and lobby open 10 am-2 pm March 3-7 during UGA spring break.

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Lionel Meunier, artistic director

“Not surprisingly, the performances were excellent.”—New York Times

Belgian early music group Vox Luminis (Voice of Light) explores music by a diverse group of composers with the same last name: Bach. In the years before, during, and after J.S. Bach’s life, his sons, forebears, and other relatives produced music of impressive quality and diversity. This program offers a variety of pieces for voices and instruments in a peerless performance by an ensemble defined by its unique sound.

Pre-performance talk in Ramsey Concert Hall at 6:45 pm (free admission).

Hodgson Concert Hall (View Seating Chart)

230 River Road
Athens, GA 30605

Supported by

James A. and Leslie C. de Haseth